Oklahoma Non-Recourse Funds – Easy, Fast and Free Evaluation


A Free analysis from Pegasus Legal Funding LLC can be done to see if your particular case is eligible for Non-recourse funds. Plaintiffs that are looking to get some financial assistance will definitely find this opportunity to be overwhelmingly beneficial as there are no upfront fees that need to be paid. There is no need to submit any collateral documents to get the financial assistance. There is no need to pledge anything. You will be able to get the money that you will need just with the case documents. Yes, your case becomes your asset here and if you are winning the case, and getting the settlement then you can repay the money with moderate interest rates. If you don’t win the lawsuit, then you don’t owe anything. This is the vast difference between funding vs. a loan. We do not provide loans.

Superlative Services

Plaintiffs suffer a lot because of the lack of best available medical attention and care at times. Best care and attention from capable health care professionals means a lot of associated overhead and expenditures. If you are not fortunate to have the financial ability to pay out of pocket for the treatment, it may prolong your recovery period.. Your pain and suffering may be intolerable because of the simple attention offered to you. To avoid all these hassles you can actually apply for the Non-recourse funds from us. What you utilize the money for is up to you, whether it’s rent, car payment, cell phone bill, groceries that’s strictly up to you. We offer you superlative services starting from our customer service agents.

Risk Free

One of the interesting aspects to be noted keenly here is the repayment advantage. As incredible as it sounds you repay nothing if you lose your case. Yes, that’s correct. This is one of the benefits of non-recourse funds. Unlike a loan, which must be repaid no matter the situation or circumstance you find yourself in, these funds do not get repaid should you not win your case. Still, we make sure that we take all necessary precautionary measure to ascertain the fact whether your case is strong enough to claim for the compensation. We reserve the right to decline applicants after a careful evaluation has been performed. At Pegasus Funding we are here to help and assist you. Please feel free to call us anytime or write to our customer support staff: 855-FUNDYOU / 855-386-3968

.:About the author:.
James Sheridan - Pegasus Funding

James Sheridan is the Contracts Manager at Pegasus Legal Funding LLC and is responsible for the final stage of the funding approval process. James focus and priority is delivering to PLF’s clients the funds they need as quickly as possible
Author:James Sheridan

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