Some people don’t realize that having a good credit can be very beneficial to them. A good credit score means you can make more credit in the future. If you have a good credit score, you will also have your loans easily approved and same as your credit card application. If you have a credit card already, this can help in increasing your credit limit.
Other people also don’t realize that if one has a good credit score, it can help them in getting fair interest rates in their loans and credit cards. If one has a good credit score, he or she will get better interest rates when it comes to their mortgages and other refinancing payments. In short, a person with a good credit score can help in giving individuals more access to money.
Different financial institutions easily trust individuals with a good credit score. They are willing to negotiate when it comes to the terms of the loan or credit cards if the person has a good credit standing. In fact, they can offer more great deals with these individuals. Best terms and rates will also be provided to anyone who has a good credit standing.
How Can We Help You Achieve a Good Credit Score
At Pegasus Legal Funding, we help individuals with pending personal injury lawsuit claim maintain their good credit score by providing them legal cash loans. Applying for a pre-settlement funding does not require any credit check or credit card record. If you think you are definitely qualified to file a pre-settlement funding, don’t hesitate to call us. We are always ready and available to attend to your inquiries.
Why Choose Us
What makes Pegasus Legal Funding stand out among other legal funding companies? We offer the best rates. Though there are other companies that you can choose from, our rates are as low as 1.67% a month. We guarantee you that our rates are way lower compared to the others.
Easy Application
A personal injury victim can file for a pre-settlement funding with our company with only easy steps. Yes, some other companies would also tell you that they will approve your loan within 24 hours when actually they will not. With us, we will immediately assess and evaluate your case and let you know if we can fund your lawsuit or not. We will inform you the soonest time possible and that would not exceed 24 hours. In just 4-6 hours, you will receive a feedback from us if your application is approved or not.
Cash Advances You Need
We also offer different cash advances from $500 to $500,000. This of course varies from case to case basis. Even if you have applied a pre-settlement funding in other companies and got approved, we can still work things out. We can have your cash advance from another company transferred to us so you will be able to enjoy the low rates that we offer.
Aside from the fact that we can help you with your monetary needs, we can also assist you in some other cases. For example, if you don’t have a lawyer yet, we can help you in looking for an experienced one that will effectively represent you and your case in the court. And last but not the least, we also have a good connection with the biggest surgeons, doctors and hospitals that can also help in your fast recovery.
855-FUND–YOU / 855-386-3968
.:About the author:.
James Sheridan is the Contracts Manager at Pegasus Legal Funding LLC and is responsible for the final stage of the funding approval process. James focus and priority is delivering to PLF’s clients the funds they need as quickly as possible
Author:James Sheridan