Owning a piece of property requires responsibility. A property owner should make sure that his property is safe not only for himself and for his family but also for other people. The law recognizes the importance of this; hence, the premises liability law . The said law holds property owners responsible for injuries suffered by another individual or individuals on his property. Some of these common premises liability cases include slip and fall incidents and amusement park ride accidents.
Example of a Premises Liability Case
Going to an amusement park, people do not usually anticipate. What they expect to have is to enjoy and spend quality time with their family. However, some amusement parks can be negligent. Because of incompetent employees or unmaintained rides, several people suffer from injuries due to faulty rides. There are also some worse case scenarios wherein rides can even cause the death of an individual. If a person has been injured by an amusement park ride due to the negligence of the company, he or she can rightfully sue the park for compensation.
Another example is injuries in construction sites. There are reckless construction companies who fail to put up signs to warn passers-by from falling objects. Because of the company’s negligence, some people suffer from injuries and even death. Injured victims of the said situation did not ask for it. They pass by the construction site without anticipating falling debris. However, they are taken by surprise when a piece of scaffolding falls down on them. In cases like these, the injured individual can justly file a lawsuit against the construction company.
How Litigation Funding Can Help You
Being a victim in a premises liability case puts you and your family in a difficult situation. With an injury, you will not be able to work and provide for your family’s needs. Who will put food on the table? Who will provide for your children’s necessities? Not to mention, you have an enormous hospital bill that you need to take care of. This can be frustrating; most especially if the property owner is not cooperating.
To avoid financial ruin, there are lawsuit funding solutions that you can seek. With lawsuit funding, you will be able to provide for your medical needs as well as your family’s needs while your premises liability case is still ongoing. It will also help you hire an attorney for legal representation.
.:About the author:.
James Sheridan is the Contracts Manager at Pegasus Legal Funding LLC and is responsible for the final stage of the funding approval process. James focus and priority is delivering to PLF’s clients the funds they need as quickly as possible
Author:James Sheridan