Legal Funding Rates: What You Need to Understand

Legal Funding has always been mistakenly known to be the same as a loan . If your main purpose in applying a loan, while waiting for your claim, is to pay for the necessary bills that you are facing, then you will pay it back once you are already done with the case, whether you win or not.

In the pre-settlement funding that Pegasus Legal Funding provides, you will only be required to pay us when you have successfully won your claim. This means that lawsuit funding eliminates any risks of you borrowing money that you won’t be able to pay at all. Before providing an advance funding to the client, the company will thoroughly study the case and make sure that the client will win the settlement case for them to avoid losing money as well.

Bank Rates vs Our Rates

As stated above, the legal funding company will evaluate the case first for the benefit of both parties. Though our company Pegasus Legal Funding provides the lowest rate in the industry, one should also be advised that the rate we provide are higher compared to banks and other lending institutions. The reason of this is that banks will receive a payment from the client even if they didn’t win the claim.

These institutions know that they will have their money back whatever will be the outcome of the case. While these legal funding companies that provide the cash advanced to victims has a 50:50 chance of getting their money back. To operate more effectively, legal funding companies then imposed higher rates compared with banks. Though the rates these companies provide are a bit higher, most personal injury victims consider it all worth it.

How We Can Help You

For more than ten years in the industry already, Pegasus Legal Funding aims to provide financial assistance to personal injury victims . You don’t have to be employed to file for a litigation funding. The only thing we are looking for to be able to provide you a legal cash loan is a pending lawsuit with evidence of serious financial help. The pre-settlement funding we provide can help the victims in paying other non-injury related expenses such as rentals, mortgages and utility bills. You will only have to pay us once you have received your claim.

The process in filing for a pre-settlement funding won’t take too much of your time . If your application is approved, you will get the money in just 24 hours. If you have been seriously injured due to the negligence of other people, contact us now and let our company help you with your financial needs while you are still under recovery period.

855-FUNDYOU / 855-386-3968

.:About the author:.

James Sheridan - Pegasus Funding

James Sheridan is the Contracts Manager at Pegasus Legal Funding LLC and is responsible for the final stage of the funding approval process. James focus and priority is delivering to PLF’s clients the funds they need as quickly as possible

Author:James Sheridan

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