Legal Funding : Advance Funding for the Legal Battle

Whether you are a plaintiff or an attorney you can benefit from legal funding services at! Most of the time, plaintiffs do not have enough money to survive their financial requirements during their pre settlement period. They, therefore, have to settle with the low prices offered to them by the insurance company which leads to increased frustration and financial problems. Lawsuit funding helps you to get through this financial crisis. has years of experience in providing Lawsuit cash advances, Pre settlement loans and other financial services to those in need. The pre settlement funding programs aim at providing a resource to the clients which can be utilized for legal fees, medical and other personal expenses as they await the decision of the court or litigation with the insurance company. Meet your immediate capital requirements and long term financial goals with pre-settlement legal funding.

Pegasus Legal Funding has provided financial assistance to injury victims and their families for over fourteen years. There is no credit check and employment is not necessary. The only requirement to apply for litigation funding is a pending lawsuit with merit and a serious financial need. Pre-settlement funding services are provided to help plaintiffs so that they can effectively pay living expenses during litigation. And, because funding is provided on a non-recourse basis, if the plaintiff loses the case, there is no obligation to pay us back. If you have been seriously injured due to the negligence of someone else and need financial assistance, contact us today or complete our free, online application. Usually in a personal injury lawsuit, the settlement never takes place soon. You have to wait months or even years before you receive the settlement of your lawsuit! In similar situations pre settlement lawsuit funding can help immensely. If we approve your request, we could have your funds in as little as 24 hours. The process is really that simple.

.:About the author:.

Max Alperovich is a Partner and co-founder of Pegasus Legal Funding, LLC. Max was an early adopter and identified third-party litigation funding as a mutually beneficial endeavor for both client and funder relationships.

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